Thursday, September 30, 2010

Unlock your depression: Reconnect yourself

Depression is like a virus; a cancer. It has potentials to be spread all over your brain cells.

Loneliness grabs you like a wrench.

Let’s start with a basic question-
How do people themselves interpret the experience of depression? Researchers found that the answer is almost unique all over the world. Everybody, suffering from depression, says that they feel alienated. Alienation from the real world, alienation from their surroundings and even alienation from themselves.

So when the problem is curing from depression the basic theory of the solution is found. You need to reconnect with the world, your surroundings and most of all, yourself.

Reconnecting means getting involved. Now when an individual is in depression it is always hard for him or her to decide how to reconnect again. So help is a must. For major sort of depression, clinical vigilance may help but when the depression level is at it’ middle peak things have to arranged other ways.

Social bond is the best therapy one can ever think of. If someone felling depressed is reading the article, then I would like to say this to him or her-
‘Did you ever have this weird feeling of hunger but at the same time feeling no taste for food?’ Your body is seeking food but you can’t think of anything to eat.

If you had the feeling, what did you do then?

Maybe you thought of some delicious foods one by one and played a little game with your tongue.

Burger? No, too heavy.
Roll? No, too dry.
Coke? No, too liquid.
Fish? No, too smelly.
Meat? No, too oily.
Bread? No, too dry.
Ice cream? … Umm… maybe…

Your tongue gets wet. Yes, if you try ice cream the body will not resist, nor do your mind.

It’s same when dealing the depression. You need to reconnect with the world. So you need an issue to get involved. Take the trial and error method and think of something.

Cycling? Driving? Cleaning? Photography? Reading? Writing? Jogging? Cinema? Gossiping? Traveling? Whatever.

Write every point you can think of. And watch out which of them is demanding attention inside your head even in a slightest extent.

It’s like unlocking a combination lock. Try the regulator and heed carefully where it clicks and suddenly you will find the unlocking code.

But what if you cannot decide what points to write on the paper? You need to lift the blockades from the thinking highway of your brain. And only one way to do this is building relationship with people. It’s true that the current world is too busy, too fast. But there is a supporting virtual world going parallel. And virtual world always intersects with the real world, somehow. As many your association is, so many roads are explored for thoughts.

Are you saying that, ‘Actually this is my problem. I cannot make relations with anyone. Even if I can it does not last.’ Well, it’s understandable. Otherwise, you would not feel lonely. But what can you do? Taking medications?

Is there any medication that can help you to rebuild your connections with the world?; maybe in science fiction but not in real life.

Human being possesses the most powerful mind among all species. As a part of the race, believe in yourself. This belief is not only for yourself; but for the greatest race of the planet that is changing everything to make the surroundings more livable, more convenient.


  1. Beautiful post, Ultragrey. I disagree with only one point: you are correct in saying medication cannot fix a depression; however in combination with therapy, ie getting involved as you discuss, it can work wonders. One of the reasons it's hard to get involved when you're depressed is your brain is eating up your serotonin and NE faster than you can make it. Modern meds, which are very mild, simply stop this process so that your brain can properly process your experience. As you say, without the experience the meds are a waste of time. I say this 1. as one who has suffered from depression all her life (except for now, since I take meds!) and 2. as a clinical social worker, having worked with innumerable depressed souls. Again, wonderful post.

  2. Sorry for the late. It's true that in my article medication was not focused as it deserve. But my point was about helping self to get out of a situation. I mean, if someone suspects that he or she is having psychological troubles, there is a way they can heal themselves. But if medication becomes the prior question, self resistance may not show up in it's full potential.

    Thanks for your thoughtful comment. That was very much inspiring.

  3. I like your emphasis on social relations, on re-connecting with the world. Often people try to solve their problems by thinking about them, which only further alienates them, when they'd be better off looking outside themselves.
